Re-branding is scary – OK I said it.
Between new logos, new names and an overall new identity, re-branding doesn’t only bring about a lot of responsibility, but a lot of concerns – one of them being: how will our audience respond to all of this change?
An effective re-brand (when done correctly and efficiently) really shouldn’t be anything to be scared of. It’s simply finding a way to maintain your brands’ standards in an updated, new-and-improved way that still communicates effectively to your target audience.

So, how can you successfully plan for a re-brand?
Think About Your Clients
Let’s be honest – we’re all a little lazy. Now that we’ve admitted the obvious, it’s time to consider user-convenience and ease-of-use. A successful re-brand stems from keeping your clients in mind from beginning to end.
People like to get things done quickly and with little to no extra work. So with that being said, it's time to ask yourself some questions: Is your website easy to use and understand? Are you mobile-friendly? How do your clients utilize certain platforms to engage and connect with your brand?
Make a list of questions that pertain to your brand specifically. Maybe your target audience responds better to social media than it does website content. Maybe your consumer base is more interested in e-blasts than promotional products. Whatever direction you decide to take your re-brand in, think of your clients.
Dare to be Different
Albeit a bit of a cliché, when it comes to your brand, it’s OK to be different and to take some risks. A brand should reflect what you can do that your competitors can’t. Showcasing this through your re-brand will set you apart and give your brand a bit of an edge.
First determine what makes your company unique. Whatever it is that you want to be known for, define your mission on that. Your mission should be an accurate representation of who you are as a company, all while setting you apart in a way that entices your target audience over other competitors.
Don’t Get Caught Up in What “Looks Good”
The development of a new logo can be one of the most exciting parts of a re-branding. But, it’s important to not get caught up in the flashy colors just because it looks cool. Your logo should actually mean something. More importantly, your logo should mean something that supports your mission.
If your new logo should enhance your brand visually. It can be used as a means of communication when identifying your brand. It should make a statement and be recognizable to your target audience. Then it can be used and recognized by the means of social media, business cards, email marketing and more.
And Lastly, Please Do Not Be a Bump on the Log
Yes, you read that correctly. No one wants to be a bump on the log, and no one wants to engage with a brand who presents themselves as such.
Effectively developing a new brand is so much more than building a presence digitally – it’s about how you leverage yourself to tell your unique story. This is the perfect opportunity to humanize your brand and give yourself a voice.
People will respond to how you behave, not how you say you’ll behave. Personality plays a major role in rebranding, so don’t be afraid to show your consumers who you are. People want to engage with brands that they can relate to and feel they have a personal connection with, so it’s OK to not be so stiff and cut-and-dry. Giving your brand some personality can also give your brand some credibility.