Finger Lakes Tourism Alliance

Creating a New Way to Explore the Finger Lakes

Finger Lakes Tourism Alliance (FLTA) has had a long-lasting relationship with our team since 2010 when we designed and launched their award-winning website. Fast forward to today, and we are managing and maintaining their newly redesigned website and supporting their ongoing digital marketing initiatives. When FLTA needed a new approach to their web strategy and enhancements to the overall online marketing opportunities for their advertising partners, they turned to us for our expertise.

Their outdated website required a comprehensive overhaul to meet the demands of an extremely mobile user base, focusing on searchability and accessibility for their consumer audience. Given our pre-existing relationship and thorough understanding of their goals and objectives, we were the natural choice for their much-needed redesign and rebranding efforts.

  • Website
  • Brand Strategy
  • Email Marketing
  • SEO

Visit Website website homepage on mobile devices

A Focused Effort to Improve the Mobile User Experience

We worked closely with the FLTA team throughout the entire rebranding process to ensure the new design aligned with their vision for the new consumer facing brand - Explore Finger Lakes. Our comprehensive discovery phase allowed us to recommend better ways to define their brand online. We developed a new web presence that reflected the quality, professionalism, and current business goals of the organization, focusing on a mobile-first approach to cater to their highly mobile travelers and outdoor adventure seekers.

FLTA Mobile Mockups

Streamlining Processes with Marketing Automation

We implemented custom sign-up forms and automated workflows to enhance FLTA's email marketing efforts. This allowed for more efficient member communications and ensured that their consumer audience received timely and relevant information when requested.

FLTA Email Marketing
Interactive Map

Interactive Maps & Travel Planning Features

We integrated third-party features and functionality to enhance the user experience (UX) with valuable resources for finding specific destinations or collecting information about unique experiences, all focused on helping them plan their visit to the Finger Lakes region.

Interactive Map

Does Your Web Strategy Align With Your Marketing Goals?

Contact us today to learn how our team can help foster growth and ensure success with your digital marketing initiatives!

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