Raise More Campaign Capital With A Better Interactive Naming Opportunity Website
Advancement departments are being challenged every day with higher and higher campaign goals. You have to ask yourself, how can we meet this goal? You can do better, but you need to choose an option that can engage your top-tier donors at a much higher level, and outperforms your traditional methods. Corporate Communications' Interactive Virtual Tour & Naming Opportunities Website can help you do that.
Corporate Communications has helped Colleges, Universities, and Hospitals engage their prospective donors at a much higher level, for more than 20 years. What makes ours so different? It's simple! We know Gift Officers have limited time with a prospective donor, so we developed a system that allows a Gift Officers to focus in on a donors interest quickly, and when they arrive on that floor, with a simple hover of their mouse they can "reveal" many potential naming opportunities the prospective donor could support, in just minutes!
For now, view the 30 second simulation in the panel on the left below! Once you do, you will want to schedule a DEMO to see the possibilities.
What Makes Our Interactive Virtual Tour & Naming Opportunity Website Better?
We "reveal" everything in one screen! There is no tedious clicking back and forth to different screens. We open the visit to a marque look at your beautiful new building project, with a simple Call To Action - Choose a Floor to Explore. With a simple hover of your mouse, you and your prospective donor embark on a unique, slick, quick tour of your new building, and hundreds of beautifully illustrated naming opportunities to support it.
This is communication that fits the lifestyle of today's donors.
The video above shows single gifts, major gifts,
and how we display "video reveals" on 1 screen!
A Nationally Recognized, Naming Opportunities
Website / Application
We developed an engaging, interactive virtual tour and naming opportunities website which highlights the range of naming opportunities available, throughout the construction Phase. If you start before shovels hit the ground, Gift Officers can share the vision of the new building project, while revealing hundreds of naming opportunities they could support. We capture a donor's attention quickly and keep them engaged with all the interactivity we've built into this system.
Each floor is mapped with an interactive rollover reveal area with the details of the naming opportunities on the floor. At the floor level, a simple hover of your mouse reveals an image, video, or 3D video of what the space is used for, a succinct compelling text description that provides related details about the space, the gift amount, and if it is available or named already.

The excerpt on the right is from the national trade publication, The Chronicle of Philanthropy. They featured our project and interviewed the Assistant VP of Advancement for Golisano Children's Hospital, Scott Rasmussen about this website. His comments were used in the article's final paragraph, Results Speak.
Scott Rasmussen is very proud of his Virtual Tour & Naming Opportunities Website, and the financial goals they have achieved.
"Right on the phone, people will say, "Oh, I like that; I'll take it."
-Scott Rasmussen, Golisano Children's Hospital
Every Website Features An Interactive Marque Landing Page
Leading To Interactive Floor Plans & Beautifully Illustrated Naming Opportunities.

Most Gift Officers Like Exploring the "Floor Plan" Level Naming Opportunities, Revealing Areas of Support With a Simple Hover.
But, if a Donor says, "I only have a few minutes"...
Scroll down to the "table view", select an item in it, and in seconds a modal window opens and reveals the perfect gift for them.
The Call Doesn't Have To End Here...
Send An Automated,
"Thank You/Follow-Up"
Branded, HTML Email!
Since most people cannot make a $250,000 decision over the phone, follow up with a prospective donor is a critical part of the process. So how do you thank the donor for spending time with you, and recreate the engagement and enthusiasm they had for a naming opportunity when you met?
Our application makes it simple! After a prospective donor visit, a Gift Officer can easily send an attractive, personalized, automated Thank You/Follow Up HTML email. All the Gift Officer need to do is, select the naming opportunity the donor showed the most interest in on the call, add the donors name and email, and hit Submit.
All the fields in the email are all dynamically generated from the database of our application. We now personalize it, along with customizable thank you messaging. The email is sent to the prospective donor, and a copy sent to the Gift Officer's Inbox, making it very easy to reply back and recreate the original imagery from the first visit. The Backend Administration also has a listing of what Gift Officers sent a follow up, and to who.

How Does Our Application Help You Raise More Capital?
A large university tested our application against their traditional methods. The results were clear, and they told us!
They really liked the user experience! They quickly saw the vision of the project and many naming opportunities they could chose to support it.
Gift Officers
They loved using this tool! They found it a cool, contemporary application that helped them easily and quickly reveal naming opportunities to their prospective donors.
For Leadership it was simple to see. Gift Officers liked using our application much more, so they used it often. By using it more often than their other methods, they outperformed their prior efforts in raising campaign capital.
Unique, Powerful Features & Backend Administrative Tools

Automated, Branded HTML Thank You/Follow Up Email
Add Donor Name, Email and hit Send… That's It!

Multi-Level Admin Access
With Tiered Permission

A Table View of Sent Thank You Emails
Showing To Donor, From Gift Officer, Allowing Easy Follow-Up, and Leadership Report On Usage.

An Easy to Use CMS
Easily Update Donor Names, Availability, Gift Amounts, Images Videos and Room Descriptions

Progress Bar
Quickly View Dollars Committed, Floor by Floor, Against the Campaign Goal, Exported as a CSV

Allows for Supporting Campaign Videos, Fly-throughs, Construction CAM.

Customized Reports
A variety of filtering options including fields For Donor ID’s from Donor Management Software. Exportable as CSV files

Content Management System
Our custom website Content Management System (CMS) is so simple to use anyone on the Advancement team can maintain naming opportunity details. Our tiered level Admin access determines what Administrative functions are allowed for different user groups.
The Gift Officer may be limited to showing the website front end and using the Admin to send the automated Thank you/Follow Up HTML email. Leadership, however, can log in to see Progress Goals, Usage Info, Modify Naming Opportunities imagery and content. A simple interface provides a quick download of areas as well as donor details.
You will love the ease of use of our system. It will take 30 minutes or less to start using it.
Corporate Communications would love to bring this award winning development to your hospital.
There are many more benefits to see!
We can show more sample projects, the logistics to get yours developed, the approximate timeline, and the estimated budget! (subject to a floor plan review). You will love it once you see it!