Interactive applications are exactly as the name describes – applications that live on a website or as a stand-alone application that users can interact with. We have developed numerous online applications for our clients over the years for many different reasons – here are just a few of the more recent.
As of late, we have been designing interactive applications to help not-for-profits and educational institutions raise money. These customized apps have proven to be a successful addition to their fundraising or capital campaigns.
Anatomy of a Fundraising Interactive Application
In developing an interactive application for fundraising, we work with our clients to determine the best strategy in helping them to meet their fundraising campaign needs. Based on a client’s goals and whether the initiative is a capital campaign connected to a particular project such as a new building, renovation, etc., we custom design and develop an application that will meet those needs. This application is then promoted through the overall fundraising campaign and provides a visual for the donor that aids in solidifying support.
Why Interactive Applications for Fundraising Are Successful
Interactive applications allow donors to feel connected to the donation they are making. They are able to determine how they would like their sponsorship dollars to be used and actually visualize where their dollars are going to be represented. These applications are customized to speak directly to the target audience while enhancing the established brand – and, they are fun!
The Possibilities Are Endless
While many of the apps we’ve developed are in support of an existing initiative, there are many possibilities in creating interactive applications. If there is not a direct tie to a building, renovation, etc. as for a capital campaign, an application could be the host for a game, contest, or other event that requests user participation for fundraising. Applications can be designed to exist as part of a website, or can be a stand-alone application for mobile devices and tablets that connect with the website and other online marketing.
How Do I Get One?
If you’re interested in using an interactive application for an upcoming fundraising or capital campaign effort, it’s as simple as contacting us. We would be happy to discuss your project and ideas for developing an application designed to help meet your fundraising goals.
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+Elissa Mitchell